EU Dust1947 Championship Best Painted Model Contest Summary /Podsumowanie Konkursu Malarskiego
Jury Judgment / Decyzja Jury [ezcol_1half]"The Best Painted Model Contest" was amazing this year during…
Jury Judgment / Decyzja Jury [ezcol_1half]"The Best Painted Model Contest" was amazing this year during…
Sturmgrenadiere Regiment “Die Teufel” / Regiment Grenadierów Szturmowych "Diabły" [ezcol_1half]This year I decided to combine…
Big Surprise / Wielka Niespodzianka [ezcol_1half]When I went for my models second day of Modelers…
1000 models / 1000 modeli [ezcol_1half]I visited 5th edition of Warsaw Modelers Festival today. Mostly…
[ezcol_1half] I'm just finished Paolo Parente Dust1947 Facebook Group May Challenge. This time I painted…
Bloody bath near Rivers of Babylon / Krwawa łaźnia w okolicy rzek Babilonu. [ezcol_1half]I had…
My commitment to Dust Studio contest managed by Gregoire / Mój udział w konkursie Dust…
2nd Scenario/ Drugi Scenariusz [ezcol_1half]I described Painting Contest Rules and presented first scenario "Sands of…
2017 Dust European Championship / Mistrzostwach Europy w Dust1947 [ezcol_1half]All Dust addicted players have a…
Modele służą do grania / Models are for playing games [ezcol_1half] W lutym udało mi…
Workshop / Warsztat [ezcol_1half] I haven’t time and space to work on my models since…
Last weekend was very intensive. / Ostatni weekend był bardzo intensywny. [ezcol_1half]I spent whole…
Jeszcze tylko miesiąc do European Masters w Brukseli/ It's only one month to European Masters…
[ezcol_1half] W ostatni weekend czternastu dzielnych dowódców z Warszawy i Łodzi stanęło w szranki w…
3Q2 is nothing else than shortcut of "THREE QUESTIONS TO..." ...and it's new series on…