22 października, 2024 | 11:54 am
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European Championship 2020 will come in September


We will meet during European Championship

I have to tell you, that it wasn’t sure if this year Dust Championship happen due to COVID issue. Finally Marek decided to organize it after vacation during  the first weekend of September (5th-6th of September 2020). Marek asked me to help with painting contest.

I decided to contribute to this event again. So we will meet in September during 5th European Championship where I will conduct Painting Contest.  More about tournament, all attractions and battle missions are on dedicated Website and Facebook 

If you want to grab only EU Championship scenarios, they are here. 🙂

the Best Painted Model Contest

It will be pretty this same approach like a year ago. First of all we will have four categories awarded based on Jury decision :

  • Dust Universe Hero – 1 figure of the hero/officer/unique character
  • Dust Universe Infantry Unit – Dust units (3 up to 5 figures)
  • Dust Universe Vehicle – model of landing vehicle, vessel, plane, chopper and Cthulhu creature on vehicle basis
  • Dust Universe Objectives – model of any type of objective (wreck, building, artifact, lost hero, abandon girl, whatever…) which could be used on battle maps of Dust1947

Moreover “Vox Populi” contest will be as well. Like in previous edition, all of you will be able to vote on the Best Painted Army. Rules of Painting Contest are below.

Sponsors & Partners

All these good things will happen because of Sponsors of European Championship: Dust Studio, Warfactory, Polish Museum of Land Forces and Safe&Sound.

Each participant will take Alex, Mercenary Hero delivered by Dust Studio. Safe & Sound will provide boxes for models, and there will be lots of good stuff  from Polish Museum of Land Forces. I will provide some small surprises as well.

I hope to see some nice models like it was during fast editions. Here you find articles about 2019 European Championship which may memorize you this great event.  

See You Soon in Warsaw


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Bitewne Wrota


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