„Monkey Business” Battle in Wargamer / Bitewka w Wargamerze
[ezcol_1half] Yesterday Warfactory.pl & Wargamer.pl organized evening with Dust1947. It was good moment to meet,…
[ezcol_1half] Yesterday Warfactory.pl & Wargamer.pl organized evening with Dust1947. It was good moment to meet,…
Dust Endless War Campaign Has Started / Pierwszy Miesiąc Kampanii Dust Endless War [ezcol_1half]…
Witajcie Dustowcy i Dustowniczki / Dear Dust Brothers & Sisters [ezcol_1half] Dotychczas opowiadaliśmy Wam…
Odcinek 3/ Chapter 3 by Szymon Вперед товарищи!!! / Vpered tovarishchi!!! / Naprzód Towarzysze !!!…
[ezcol_1half] Today I want to show you my finished RSO's tractors. But before I invite…
From Long Range Desert Group.../ Od LRDG... [ezcol_1half] Long Range Desert Group (LRDG) was a…
PLAVAYUSHCHIY TANK-47 is ready / Czołg Pływający gotowy do akcji [ezcol_1half] I made unboxing…
Odcinek 2 Oś / Chapter 2 Axis K-man A co, jeśli nie Alianci ? /…
Jak zbudować armię na 50 i 100 punktów i jak kupić :) / Ideas, how…
Gift / Prezent [ezcol_1half]I had great pleasure to cooperate with Joe McLaughlin and his…
Good Job :) / Dobra Robota :) [ezcol_1half]I'd like to show you and recommend Dust1947…
[ezcol_1half]The 35th Miniatures Blogs Carnival is led by Inkub from "Wojna w miniaturze" blog. He…
[ezcol_1half] I have finished my last project yesterday. It's Red Banner Hero for SSU fraction.…
Demolisher, Luisa and Red Yana are ready for battle / Gotowe do boju [ezcol_1half]I chosen…
Sturmgrenadiere Regiment “Die Teufel” / Regiment Grenadierów Szturmowych "Diabły" [ezcol_1half]This year I decided to combine…