10 stycznia, 2025 | 5:49 pm
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Fan-made Dust1947 One Side Square Cards / Fan’owskie jednostronne Karty Dust1947

Good Job 🙂 / Dobra Robota 🙂

[ezcol_1half]I’d like to show you and recommend Dust1947 fan-made cards prepared by Evgeny, Dmitriy and Semyon from Russian Dust1947 Group on VK: https://vk.com/dusttactics.

They made Russian version of the cards for local needs. Draft of these cards got several good comments and opinions concerning layout and format. That’s why colleagues prepared English versions as well, which are available to download on blog from today.

Our colleagues combined all data from both sides of original cards into one side square version with all information needed to play. Cards are perfect for tablets and smartphones IMO. That’s great effort which is worthy of recognition.

Congratulations 🙂 [/ezcol_1half]

[ezcol_1half_end]Dzisiaj chciałbym udostępnić Wam i polecić karty do Dust1947 przygotowane przez rosyjską grupę fan’ów za portalu społecznościowego VK: https://vk.com/dusttactics.

Evgeny, Dmitriy i Semyon są aktywnymi graczami i promując system przygotowali karty w wersji rosyjskiej. Następnie poszli o krok dalej i opracowali angielskie wersje tych kart, które tutaj udostępniam.

Co ważne połączyli na jednej stronie wszystkie kluczowe informacje z oficjalnej dwustronnej wersji.  Myślę, że ich praca jest godna uznania. A kwadratowe karty są idealne do używania m.in na tablecie lub telefonie.

Gratki 🙂 [/ezcol_1half_end]



Axis Square Cards
Axis Square Cards

Axis Dust1947

Cards made by Evgeny Bazarov, Dmitriy Sur and Semyon Osenkov from Dust1947 Group on VK: https://vk.com/dusttactics.

Cards are perfect, because all information (statistics, abilities, weapons, etc..) are on one page. They perfectly fit to use them on tablets and phones. 

Great Job 🙂






Allies Square Cards
Allies Square Cards

Allies Dust1947

Cards made by Evgeny Bazarov, Dmitriy Sur and Semyon Osenkov from Dust1947 Group on VK: https://vk.com/dusttactics.

Cards are perfect, because all information (statistics, abilities, weapons, etc..) are on one page. They perfectly fit to use them on tablets and phones.

Great Job 🙂






SSU Square Cards
SSU Square Cards

SSU Dust1947

Cards made by Evgeny Bazarov, Dmitriy Sur and Semyon Osenkov from Dust1947 Group on VK: https://vk.com/dusttactics.

Cards are perfect, because all information (statistics, abilities, weapons, etc..) are on one page. They perfectly fit to use them on tablets and phones.

Great Job 🙂



Mercenaries Square Cards
Mercenaries Square Cards

Mercenaries Dust1947

Cards made by Evgeny Bazarov, Dmitriy Sur and Semyon Osenkov from Dust1947 Group on VK: https://vk.com/dusttactics.

Cards are perfect, because all information (statistics, abilities, weapons, etc..) are on one page. They perfectly fit to use them on tablets and phones.

 Great Job 🙂




I Recommend You!!! / Polecam Wam!!!

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