May Summary on Dustbrothers/ Podsumowanie Maja
Only Four / Tylko Cztery :( [ezcol_1half]I published only 4 posts during May, cause most…
Only Four / Tylko Cztery :( [ezcol_1half]I published only 4 posts during May, cause most…
[ezcol_1half] I'm just finished Paolo Parente Dust1947 Facebook Group May Challenge. This time I painted…
Tree, Stone and Sand... / Drzewo, Kamień i Piasek ... that's my commitment / to…
Bloody bath near Rivers of Babylon / Krwawa łaźnia w okolicy rzek Babilonu. [ezcol_1half]I had…
Luther for "Kampfgruppe Platoon" /Luther do "Kampfgruppe Platoon" [ezcol_1half]I consider "Kampfgruppe Platoon" which looks quite…
April was about Battles...and preparation to Battles /Kwiecień to były bitwy i przygotowania do nich…
My commitment to Dust Studio contest managed by Gregoire / Mój udział w konkursie Dust…
2nd Scenario/ Drugi Scenariusz [ezcol_1half]I described Painting Contest Rules and presented first scenario "Sands of…
Ludwig [ezcol_1half] Today I's like to share with you gallery of my the latest project.…
Excuse me Dear English language followers but from time to time I post only in…
Bitwa Axis i Allies na terenie Osiedla Przyjaźni. 31 marca wojska alianckie pod dowództwem Szymona…
My New Axis Artillery / Moja Nowa Niemiecka Artyleria Dust Studio photo of the original…
Co się wydarzyło na blogu w Marcu / What happen on my blog during March…
Modele służą do grania / Models are for playing games [ezcol_1half] W lutym udało mi…
Axis Mortars /Niemieckie Moździerze [ezcol_1half] Hello, Today I'd like to present my Axis Mortars Squads.…