FKB 41 – MOO!&JOO!, Moje Skarby / MOO!&JOO!, My Treasures :)

[ezcol_1half] The 41st Miniatures Blogs Carnival is led by Kapitan Hak & Skavenblight from HAKOSTWO blog. These bloggers proposed „The Treasure” as the topic of this edition. But before I will present my commitment, here you may find everything about past editions of this initiative. [/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end] 41’szy Figurkowy Karnawał Blogowy jest w rękach Kapitana Hak … Czytaj dalej FKB 41 – MOO!&JOO!, Moje Skarby / MOO!&JOO!, My Treasures :)